Monday, 16 January 2012

Has anyone seen my man parts?

Well it was my first morning run of the year and it was cooolllllldddddd!!! I was planning to do 18 miles around Virginia water lake and the surrounding Windsor park. Got there for 7:30 with the car showing -2 on the temperature. I had learnt my lesson from Thursday night, I went out in my normal winter running kit (sealskin unders and top with shorts and an Adidas running top). I was basically totally covered from head to toe. Had a half decent 6mile run, got home and took my top off to realise I had cold burns all over my body. First time I have ever had this in my life. Basically it looks like a mild burn but is freezing cold. I was covered in red blotches so straight in the warm bath and managed to catch it in time. Being a person who climbs mountains when it's extremely cold I am used to watching out for the warning signs, I had none at all, maybe because I was concentrating on my run. I digress, I was wearing the same as before with an additional pair of jiggers and a fleece. Run was going well, first mile hurt like hell because of the cold but quickly warmed up. I was testing a new water carrier I got for my birthday which is called a camel pack, perfect for long distance running. My first deep cold warning was when my water started to come out as a slush puppy. I got to 13 miles to look at my frozen gloves, I then realised I had a layer of ice all over me!!! I quickly checked my skin, all ok, my theory is that as all the outer items I was wearing were breathable the moisture seeped out and froze on the surface of the fleece and trousers. Very strange being mr crispy for a short period of time. I decided to go to pack it up then head to work and have a hot shower. Again you have to be careful with these things, I didn't feel cold at all. If I remember correctly the final stages of hypothermia is a cruel sense of feeling hot so you start taking layers of. The beginning of the end!


  1. Ooh Dan, all I can say is ouch!

    I hope it's a bit warmer the next time you head out there...

  2. Cheers Maribel a bit less ice would be nice next time
